
What is ADHD in children and what are the symptoms? That is a question that is common among parents with children that are hyperactive. ADHD in children is more than hyperactivity, though.  There are many more symptoms that need to be evaluated in order to get the correct diagnosis.

ADHD Symptoms Explained

ADHD is a behavioral disorder affecting approximately ten percent of children that are school age. Girls are three times less likely to be diagnosed than boys are, though the reason for that is still not clear. Children that have ADHD are hyperactive and act on impulse, more so than the typical child. An ADHD child will do things without giving the first thought about what they are doing. Though all children act out at times, it is important to note that this will be something a child with ADHD does over an extended period of time, for years, and may do in any setting in which they are present.

Children with ADHD lack the ability to focus, causing issues for them in school, both academically and socially. They are often unable to sit still for any period of time and following simple instructions may be very difficult for an ADHD child because they will often lose their focus right after given the instructions. ADHD children also often have difficulty going to bed easily, often getting up or tossing and turning for a time before they are able to actually fall asleep. ADHD children are often disruptive in a class setting and are unable to pull or keep their grades up because they lack the ability to concentrate, making learning very difficult for them.

Does Your Child Have ADHD?

If your child has a hard time keeping track of personal items, runs and climbs on things, even inside the home, tends to squirm when seated, is impulsive, acts out of line often, is disruptive in class and elsewhere, and has done many of these things for some time, it is certainly something you will want to talk about with a medical professional. There is no blood test for ADHD, but rather a parental description of the child’s behavior patterns is given to the doctor for evaluation. Most of the time, a school assessment completed by the child’s teacher will be needed, as well.

Having your child properly diagnosed is the first step to finding the right treatment that will help them to function normally. Treatment options are various and will need to be decided by the child’s doctor, but may include medication, a change in diet and an adjustment to their surroundings, including a regularly abided by structured schedule.

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